Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

In the development of the Oracle Ridge Copper Project, Eagle Mountain Mining has a clear focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practicesOver recent years, ESG has become recognised as a key strategic pillar to long-term success in the mining sector. The license to operate in mining is contingent upon securing government approvals, the support of communities and ensuring that human rights and environmental issues are well managed and correctly addressed.

Major advances have been made by the industry in recent decades to address ESG at both a corporate and operational level. On the environmental front, mining companies are working to further safety, reduce water and energy consumption, and cut emissions through several measures, including shifting to hydrogen and electric powered vehicles and trucks, electrifying mine sites and increasing renewable energy.

There has also been a growing focus on social impacts, which further contributes positively to the long-term development of local communities and societies beyond the life of a project.

On the governance side, Boards and management of companies have focussed further on sustainability, increased Board diversity, and have placed further importance on the governance and strategic planning around ESG.

Eagle Mountain Mining is committed to ESG as outlined in Figure 8 below.


Diagram showing Eagle Mountain Mining’s commitment to ESG